Most of our users rarely need to contact us for estimating software support, because we work hard to keep everything running smoothly in the background so you can focus on the projects that matter to your business.
The best way to minimise the chances of coming across any issues or questions is to keep everything up to date. Our software updates and weekly trade price changes are delivered automatically to make it as easy as possible.
For example, in most cases all you’ll need to check is the bulletin which summarises all the changes in the latest price update. Before it ever reaches that point, we’ve already cross-checked the data for noticeable errors, flagged these up with manufacturers and ensured everything is correct to the best of our knowledge before sending out the update.
It’s also important to us that we provide all updates to database items and the software system itself at no extra charge to our users. We see this as an essential part of our EES support service so we never impose any additional charges for updates to the current version of your software.